I remember slicing into work on my laptop (emails, administration, editing) for the first time after having a baby. Slightly sleep deprived but desperately excited to regain my usual routine,…
Top 7 Friendship Quotes
Top 7 Friendship Quotes! But first, a backstory: My dad’s work took my parents and family of 8 around the world. From ages 0-23, I moved house around 20 times….
3 Ways to Recover from Burnout
My ‘ideal’ ways to rest often consist of – A trip to the ocean on my own with books and journals on hand A trip to my favourite clothing stores…
3 Tips to Slow Down and Stop Rushing
We rush because we fear there is not enough time to do everything. When we rush, what do we assume about the world around us? We carry an assumption that now is not enough. …
3 Ways to Detox Your Body, Mind and Soul
Millions of people today seek a ‘detox’: From spiritual cleansing rituals to self-administered detoxification, ultimately, we are never permanently cleansed. Why do we have a yearning to be clean? We…