Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.
Proverbs 31:25
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16.33
The phrase ‘she laughs at the time to come’ poured into my mind, again and again, like a sweet but annoying little thing. And I laughed, because how are we to laugh at the days to come when the world is heavy with atrocities? Wars and rumours of wars, a world-wide pandemic, mental health rates soaring, a world leader almost assassinated… Where do we look? Where do we turn? When our daily lives are messes, our schedules are full but are hearts our empty, when loneliness rampages towns, when our culture’s heart is fixed toward earthly goods and yet none of it deeply satisfies, where do we find purpose?
While the darkness of this age attempts to rampage our homes through our screens or our thoughts, laughing at the time to come is a beautiful calling as women of God. To believe God sent His son to die for our sins, to trust in Him and to obey His commandments – this is purposeful living. To live quiet and peaceful lives and love our neighbours, and to care for the sick, the old and those in distress, to pray for those around us, to earnestly seek the Lord every moment, surrendering every worry to Him – this is purposeful living!
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
James 3:17-18
Our lives at home as young women and mothers should be peaceful in this dark age. To posture our hearts, we must surrender to God and love him with our hearts, minds, souls and strength. How good and right it is to love our neighbours, trust in God for His provision, forgive our enemies, bless those who curse us and praise God in every circumstance, trusting Him in the good and difficult times.
Our lives at home as young women and mothers should focus on what Christ has done, not what our culture has done. My mind needs daily renewal and transformation through God’s word. We do not have the strength to change our own hearts, let alone our children’s, or our cultures.
Our lives our appointed by God, not culture or comparison; Comparison steals our joy and rots our bones (Proverbs 14:30). Many ‘feminists’ attempt to tear apart the ideology behind a quiet, simple life of a homemaker, claiming that a career provides more earthly value than motherhood ever will (little do they know the lies they believe). Perhaps you have even felt the pull to be ‘more like’ the woman who seems like she has it all together (the reality is that none of us do). Ask God what His call is for your life, seek godly mentorship, and follow His unique calling over your life.
“A godly, faith-filled laughter comes not from a woman who is solely confident in her perseverance or courageous in her prayers; rather, this laughter comes from a woman who is sound in her theology and thus satisfied in God’s sovereignty. It’s a laughter that comes not from a prideful, self-trusting attempt to let nothing stand in her way; rather, it’s a humble, God-trusting laughter that steps out of the way in quiet submission and hope.“
Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.
Proverbs 31:25
She laughs at the time to come; in the quietness of your home and heart, make God your song, your light, your love, your desire. Focus on Him, allow Him to give you strength, and laugh at the time to come.
A prayer for today:
Our Father who is in heaven, HOLY is your name. Our cry is before you, and our culture is in peril. Hear our voice and answer our plea: May your Kingdom come and Your will be done. Give us, as young women and mothers’s, our daily bread – a nourishing that extends deeper than stomachs but reaches souls; give us TRUTH that sustains. Forgive us our sins and forgive our depraved generation lost in oblivion and confusion. Forgive as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation… but deliver us from evil. For YOURS is the Kingdom, the POWER and the GLORY for now and forevermore.
Listen: His Eyes are on the Sparrow by Jess Ray
Read: the book of James (from the Bible)
Laugh: At the days to come. Focus on today. Find something small to enjoy throughout your day whether it’s the taste of chocolate, the sun pressing against your back, your toddler’s laughter or your husband or a friend’s fun quirks. Choose to find joy.
Breathe: Surrendering each breath and each worry to God.
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